January 16, 2015 - January 17, 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA

Southwest Pool & Spa Show

Visit Pentair at Booth #301 and learn about the latest and greatest from Pentair’s Aquatic Eco-Systems.

Each year it takes all the energy produced by 20 medium-sized power plants just to fuel America’s in-ground swimming pools. Pentair vowed to make recreation and leisure more energy efficient, so we collaborated with the U.S. Department of Energy and EPA to develop Energy Star® industry standards for pool pumps. Since 2005, Pentair’s Eco-Select pool pumps have saved 2.1 billion kilowatts—the equivalent of 73,000 homes’ energy use for a year. 

Pumps are just the beginning. Worldwide, millions of pool and spa owners rely on Pentair. Our products filter, heat, clean, light, and automate pools in both residential and commercial settings.